Students Staff


East 15 Acting School

East 15 Acting School

East 15 Acting School application form

Undergraduate applications

To see the list of available courses and to apply, please complete a Clearing application. You do not need to provide a video audition or pay a fee for this. Once we receive your application you will be invited to attend an online audition or interview. Please see our Preparing for Auditions page for information on the speeches you should prepare for your audition.

Masters applications

Before starting your East 15 application, please read the information on our Applying page and ensure you have all the information you need, including a headshot photo, as you will not be able to save this form to submit at a later date. You will also need to have read and understood the full East 15 Application & Audition terms and conditions before you submit your application

Items you will need to include in your East 15 application:

  • A link to your video audition, if applicable *.
  • A personal statement explaining why you want to study the courses you have chosen as your preferences and why you wish to study at East 15.

Items to upload once you have pressed submit:

  • A head and shoulders photo of yourself. This does not need to be a professional headshot, just one that we can recognise you by. The photo should be in either .jpeg or .png format, not a PDF.
  • Your latest CV/resume and, if you have them, your final degree certificate and transcript.

For more information about East 15 courses at the University of Essex, please visit the East 15 Acting School website.

Auditions and Audition Fees

Most East 15 courses * require an audition and there is a non-refundable fee for this. Once you have completed your application, please pay the Round 1 audition fee here.

The current audition fees are:

  • £15 for Round 1 (video submission). This is required at the initial application stage for your video submission to be considered. This fee covers your application, regardless of whether you include 1 or 2 course preferences on your application.
  • £30 for Round 2 (workshop audition). If you are successful in being shortlisted based on your video submission East 15 will contact you by email to request this and to arrange your workshop audition. Not all our Round 2 auditions require a fee, your invitation audition will include payment information if this fee is applicable.

* Applicants to MA/MFA Theatre Directing do not need to supply a video audition. Once we receive your application, you will be invited to attend an interview.

Final things to note before submitting your East 15 application form:

  • Your video submission must be provided in URL format, preferably through YouTube or Vimeo. It is not possible to upload media files (video, music etc) and we cannot accept WeTransfer files.
  • Applicants may only submit one application per application cycle.
  • Please email if you have any further queries about the application process.

Already submitted your East 15 application form? Don't fill in this form again if you wish to amend any details you provided previously or if you wish to provide additional documents.

All questions marked with a red star * are compulsory.

Please do not use angle brackets (example: < or >) in the text boxes.

Course selection
Level of study *
Applicant details
Title *
First name *
(Maximum of 50 characters)
Last name *
(Maximum of 50 characters)
Preferred first name *
Preferred pronouns (e.g. they/them; she/her; his/him)
Age at start of course *
Date of birth *
Day Month Year
Gender *
Email address *
(Maximum of 100 characters)
Nationality *
Country of birth *
Country of permanent residence *
Dual nationality *
Address line 1 *
(Maximum of 250 characters)
Address line 2
(Maximum of 250 characters)
Town/city *
(Maximum of 250 characters)
Country *
Postcode, zip code or equivalent
(Maximum of 12 characters)
Telephone number *
(Maximum of 50 characters)
Mobile number
(Maximum of 50 characters)
What is your fee status? *
All applicants are required to audition or interview. *

Option 1


Further information about auditions, what to prepare, and the format required for your video submission, can be found on our preparing for audition webpages.

Your video submission can be submitted by providing a URL link (e.g. to YouTube or Vimeo) in the box below. If your video requires a password to view it, please clearly note the password after the URL in the box below.

When entering your URL, please use spaces, rather than the return/enter button, to separate your links if entering multiple video links.

(Maximum of 1000 characters)

Option 2


Information about your interview and what to prepare, will be sent to you once your application has been received.

Please tick all applicable boxes:

ALL applicants must tick the following:


Please let us know in the boxes below any relevant acting, theatre or industry experience that you have. Masters applicants: Alternatively, you can upload a copy of your CV or resume with this application. This should include all experience (not just Arts related), dates and places (include country if not UK). You will be able to do this once you click on the Submit Application button.
Previous amateur and professional theatre training. Please include dates and where you studied.
(Maximum of 3000 characters)
Languages spoken
(Maximum of 450 characters)
Musical ability and skills

Include any previous tuition in singing and/or playing an instrument/grades.

(Maximum of 450 characters)
Other skills or experience that are relevant to the course you are applying for. Please include dates and where you gained the experience.
(Maximum of 3000 characters)
Masters applicants only (undergraduate applicants do not need to complete this section)
Education from age 16
Please list all qualifications held, even if they do not appear to be directly relevant to the course you are applying for.

You should list your most recent qualifications first, including any that you are currently studying for. If you have not yet completed the qualification listed, please enter 'Pending' in the grades/award column.

Include anything you have studied at sixth form, further education college or university. You do not need to list your high school/secondary school qualifications.
Only fully completed rows will be saved and you should select the 1st of the month if you do not know the exact day.
Date completed or due to be completed Full institution name and country where you studied
(Maximum of 100 characters)
Qualification (e.g Degree, BTEC Extended Diploma, A Level etc) and subject studied
(Maximum of 100 characters)
Overall final or predicted grade (e.g. 2:1; GPA 3)
(Maximum of 30 characters)
Further information
Write a statement explaining why you wish to study your chosen course(s) at East 15 Acting School. If you require a Student Visa, please include why you want to study in the UK. *
(Maximum of 10,000 characters)
Do you have a disability that may affect your audition/interview?
East 15 Acting School welcomes applications from students with disabilities and special educational needs. You are encouraged to let us know of any relevant conditions so that we can ensure this is taken into consideration and that any reasonable adjustments are made.
(Maximum of 250 characters)
Nominated Person or Education Agent
If you would like to nominate another person that we can discuss your application with (i.e. your parent/carer, teacher, partner or Education Agent) please give their details here Name
(Maximum of 100 characters)

Relationship to applicant
(Maximum of 100 characters)

Email address
(Maximum of 100 characters)

Telephone number (including international code)
(Maximum of 50 characters)
In order to complete your application, we need to know that you fully understand the East 15 terms and conditions.

Please indicate by ticking the boxes that you are in agreement with each statement. *


During the admissions process all information you supply to the University will adhere to the principles set out in its Privacy Notice for Students. This information is only disclosed within the University to members of staff who process your application and to contact you with information relevant to your application. This may include overseas members of staff if your application is made outside of the UK. Failure to provide required data may result in your application not being processed. Where required as part of this process, we will check the accuracy of your data against external sources (for example exam boards or reference providers) and may also confirm your data to other higher education institutions, government agencies or those acting on behalf of the government. If your application is successful and you register as a student, some or all of this information will form part of your student record. If you are unsuccessful in your application or you do not take up an offer of a place, data will be held on our systems for 8 years. Data retention within Admissions is currently being reviewed. If you want to withdraw your application at any stage then please contact

On the following page you will be asked to upload a photo and any supporting documents that you wish to add to your application.
For example:
Masters applicants: upload a CV or resume and a copy of your degree certificate and final transcript if you have them.

Please note, it can sometimes take a couple of minutes for your documents to upload after you have pressed the submit button. Please do not refresh or close the page until you see the confirmation of submission page.