My Essex for Applicants

Please ensure that you have a valid UCAS, postgraduate (PG) or Direct (DA) application number in order to register.

  • UCAS applicants: use your UCAS Personal ID (e.g. 1234567890).
  • Direct applicants: use your direct application number – include 'DA' at the beginning (e.g. DA10002000).
  • University of Essex International College (UEIC) students progressing to undergraduate study: use your direct application number – include 'DA' at the beginning (e.g. DA10002000).
  • University of Essex International College (UEIC) students progressing to postgraduate study: use your PG number - include 'PG' at the beginning (e.g. PG123456).
  • Postgraduates: use your PG number - include 'PG' at the beginning (e.g. PG123456).
  • Exchange and study abroad programmes: use your PRID (e.g. ABCDE12345).


Date of birth:

Passphrase must be between 8 and 20 characters in length and can include spaces. Contact IT Helpdesk at if you have any problems.

Security answer must be between 5 and 24 characters in length and can include spaces.

If you don't know your application number, contact our undergraduate or postgraduate admissions offices:

UG admissions
Telephone +44 (0)1206 873666

PG admissions
Telephone +44 (0)1206 872719